Each session we focus on a universal theme, such as family life, health or work. During the first hour of class, we do creative exercises that spark memories. During the second hour, we share stories in a small group. Between sessions, our homework is to write these two-page stories.

The class has two rules:

1. Listen with awe.
2. Respect confidentiality. Your stories are yours. Share only what you want.

No. Though you write for this class, it isn’t a writing class as such. No red pens. No critical comments. No right or wrong way to tell your story. The goal is to remember and record stories with others who support you. Inevitably, as you continue to recall details and write, your voice will become stronger in your writing.

Sometimes a classmate’s story or a well-phrased question can ignite a memory. Each class, you receive a handout with about a dozen topical questions, known as sparks. These are designed to spur memories that take you down your own life path.

You are encouraged but not required to read your stories aloud. Sharing stories in an atmosphere of respect and confidentiality can help you:

  • Discover and release the emotional content of your story.
  • See your work mirrored back through the listener’s mind.
  • Forge ties and build trust with your writing community.